ABOUT Automotive Research Reports
The global market for rear seat entertainment

Abstract | Table of Contents

Rear seat entertainment systems are becoming big business. Even at this early stage, manufacturers say that the market has exceeded their expectations. While minivans and SUVs look set to continue being the main segment for these applications, the next big growth area is smaller passenger cars.

However, while it is clear that the global telematics market is set to show exponential growth through this decade, ABOUT Automotive has observed a more cautious tone from vehicle makers and parts manufacturers. Although the market will show massive growth, they predict that it will not be as much as initially thought. Do motorists really want to check their e-mail or book a restaurant while on the move? Is it safe for them to do so?.

This report outlines ABOUT Automotive’s view of the forces driving demand for mobile video as well as providing forecasts of the aftermarket in Western Europe, Japan and North America through 2005. The report also reviews the technical advances in mobile video, noting some breakthrough technology recently demonstrated by the major manufacturers.

Author: Matthew Beecham
August 2002
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