ABOUT Automotive Research Reports
The global report on automotive retailing

Automotive retailing has faced significant hurdles in the past decade, and the challenges have varied by region, but for the most part, the traditional franchise dealer model has prevailed.

This exclusive report, sponsored by PricewaterhouseCoopers and AUTOFACTS, provides a complete guide to understanding how retail markets across the globe will change in the future and clearly identifies the sector’s key trends, showing how they are set to affect your interests in the key markets.

How will the recasting of the automotive block exemption affect European retailers?

How will Japanese retailers restructure to accommodate OEMs continued attempts to cut costs and increase retail level productivity?

Published: February 2003
Format: PDF/Print


How are US retailers intending to recapture the billions of dollars surrendered to the customer as part of the intense incentive wars?

These and many other crucial industry questions are comprehensively addressed so you can make the right decisions to stay ahead of the competition. The report coverage is broken down under five key headings:

  • Market and branding
  • The Internet: attractive but elusive
  • Europe: regulators in the driving seat
  • North America: the retail revolution misfires
  • Japan: an end to the melancholy market
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