ABOUT Style Research Reports
Nanotechnology and the apparel industry

Abstract | Table of Contents

While nanotechnology is only in its earliest stages of development and application within the apparel industry, experts agree that nano-enhanced garments will likely become as expected and commonplace as attributes such as stretch, breathability and comfort.

One thing is clear, if investment by other industries is any indication of market potential, apparel is on track to reap many benefits.

This exclusive report from ABOUT Style, the first in a series of timely Executive Briefings, provides a completely fresh look at how nanotechnology - by enhancing the functionality of fashion at all levels, from athletic wear to luxury - is set to completely revolutionise the apparel sector.

Published: March 2007
Format: PDF
Pages: 25


Report coverage:

1.0 Executive summary
2.0 The marketplace

-a rapidly growing market

3.0 An overview of apparel applications
-the next revolution in apparel
-nanotechnology and anti-counterfeiting

4.0 Stumbling blocks ahead?
-educating the consumer
-buzzwords causing confusion

5.0 Nanotechnology’s market impact—present and future
-different cultures, different end uses
-the application of nano particles
-the cost-benefit of nanotechnology

6.0 Key products in apparel
-Evident Technologies

7.0 Products coming down the pipeline
-Endless opportunities

Table 1: Key apparel nanotechnology products

Appendix 1: Key companies involved with Nanotechnology

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