ABOUT Automotive Research Reports
Global Engine Trends & Forecasts to 2020

Abstract | Table of Contents

In this second edition reviewing the key market drivers for petrol, diesel and hybrid engine trends, we extend and update the analysis originally published in 2008, and review the trends in the intervening four years. It provides an authoritative overview of both the technology issues (both present and future), and regulatory (emissions) concerns involved with this sector.

Report coverage

Chapter two sets out the market drivers and forecasts for global engine trends through to 2020. Forecast data is provided by region for petrol, diesel and Hybrid/EV engine production. The chapter discusses global legislation – both current and planned – as well as standards on emissions regulation. This section of the research also highlights consumer trends in engine buying, explaining how the three main developed-market areas have evolved remarkably different consumer preferences.

Published: November 2012
Pages: 60

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Chapter three: Current and future SI technologies
This chapter assesses product trends and processes associated with the petrol SI engine. The chapter provides authoritative commentary on engine construction, engine management and emission control as well as exhaust aftertreatment.

Chapter four: Current and future Diesel (CI) technologies
This chapter reviews the compression-ignition (diesel) engine, and analyses the key differences between its petrol engine counterpart. The advantages of the turbodiesel are explained, and the alternatives to the turbocharger are also reviewed. Engine management and emission control, as well as exhaust aftertreatment are also covered.

Chapter five: Hybrid IC powertrain technology
This chapter reviews current hybrid technologies, and looks at whether existing claims made for their efficiency and fuel economy are valid. It also looks at diesel-electric hybrids, and assesses the likelihood of such engines achieving volume production.

Chapter six: Beyond the internal combustion engine
This chapter looks at the principle alternatives, such as fuel cell technology and Battery Electric Vehicles. Will the potential problems associated with the fuel cell hybrid prevent widespread adoption of this technology?

The report provides answers to such vital questions as:

  • After losing significant ground to the diesel engine in Europe, will the petrol engine regain market share across the EU-27?
  • Will it just be the Japanese vehicle manufacturers that continue to lead the auto industry’s move into the hybrid and EV markets in the coming years?
  • How viable is the HCCI principle, and will it prove more commercially successful than the fuel cell vehicle?
  • What are the main challenges to vehicle engine designers, in terms of emission regulation compliance?
  • How do distinctly different consumer preferences in the three main regions complicate both engine design and product planning?
  • Will the development of diesel hybrids finally ignite European interest in the hybrid concept?
  • Will the fuel cell establish itself as the true power unit of the future, or will it lose its way?
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