ABOUT Style Research Reports
Fibres and Fabrics: Market Trends 2007

Table of Contents :

  1. Global marketing factors
  2. Biggest markets for fibres and fabrics
  3. Regions making an impact
  4. Newest fibres and fabrics, technologies and innovations
  5. Today and tomorrow
  6. Sector profile
    - non-wovens
    - outdoor/performance market
    - denim

List of tables:

Table 1: Growth rate of the apparel textile market: 2003 – 2009
Table 2: Annual growth rates 2006
Table 3: The stain-resistant apparel category

List of figures:

Figure 1: Top 10 global textile suppliers to US
Figure 2: Top 10 global textile suppliers to the European Union
Figure 3: Market share for textiles post-quota elimination in the EU
Figure 4: Market share for textiles post-quota elimination in the U.S.
Figure 5: World usage nonwovens 2006
Figure 6: World production nonwovens 2006
Figure 7: World production nonwovens 2006 (million tonnes)
Figure 8: World production nonwovens 2006 (US$ billion)
Figure 9: World production nonwovens (million tonnes)
Figure 10: World production nonwovens (US$ billion)


Top fibres/fabrics producers 2006



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