ABOUT Style Research Reports
The global branding report: 2007 edition

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Executive summary - key branding trends

Chapter 3: Consumer trends: The 2007 consumer

Chapter 4: Success factors

4.1: Summary

4.2: Get in Touch With Your Consumer
-Brand editing
-Less can be more

4.3: Service
-Consumer-generated marketing

Chapter 5: New products and line extensions
5.1: Summary
5.2: Line extensions
-which brands do best with line extensions?
5.3: Licensing
-a multitude of challenges
-know your consumer, know your licensee…

Chapter 6: Branding checklist in 2007

Chapter 7: Retailers
7.1: Summary

7.2: The environment
-department stores outpacing expectations

7.3: Private label
-the changing definition of private label
-developing an in-store identity
-the competition for floor space

Chapter 8: Fashion trends: Interviews with the experts

8.1: What trends are we seeing in fashion in terms of fabrics?

8.2: How important are functional or performance fabrics in fashion apparel?

8.3: Which style trends will dominate the runways over the course of the next year?

8.4: Which colours will we see on top brands in the coming year?

8.5: How would you describe the overall mood of fashion today?

8.6: How much of fashion is dictated by designers versus consumer demand/desire?

8.7: How are fashion brands able to attract younger customers without abandoning the core base, particularly in terms of design?

8.8: How can brands do a better job of keeping with fashion trends, while staying true to brand messaging?

8.9: What opportunities are still left untapped when it comes to consumers and their fashion wants/needs?

Chapter 9: Luxury

9.1: Summary
-utilising the cachet of top designers

9.2: Opportunities
-the proliferation of accessories
-the Chinese market
-the longer-term strategy

9.3: Success factors
-the 'missing woman'
-the importance of value-for-money
-timely and timeless

Chapter 10: Discount

10.1: Summary

10.2: The market

Chapter 11: Plus sizes

11.1: Summary

11.2: The marketplace

List of tables

Table 1: Top 10 fashion advertisements

Table 2: Top brands

Table 3: Falling out of favour: brands dropped from 2005 list

Table 4: Top 5 new brands to the 2006 list

Table 5: Make Your Brand Stand Out from Competition

Table 6: Top Three Steps on Your Brand Strategy Checklist

Table 7: Branding strategy: top 10 'must-do's'

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